So Gavin and I share the farm I guess. LOL. I take care of the animals and he gets to claim them. Man, oh, man life doesn't get any better. LOL. This is Rowdy-Mator. He is Gavin and my pride and joy!!! Gavin loved Rowdy Mator and we spent forever walking him in the front yard. It was a great time. I love my off days that aren't freezing temps because those are the days I get to spend out in the yard with my animals. I'm not a person with a ton of friends, I'm shy and have a very hard time with teh social part of life. Life will bring you a boatload of hurt and sometimes it's easier to withdraw rather than face rejection again. So I take in animals and they actually feel a void that people leave. They need me and it's nice to be needed. It's hard to be a single female in a married world. I hate it, it never bothered me until recently and like my little quote at the top of the page says, Music is my refuge, I can climb in between the notes and put my back to lonliness. Plus, Rowdy-Mator likes to hear me sing. LOL. I sing and groom him and he eats it up, I'm sure it's because he loves my singing not just the attention. haha.
OK, Mom was trying to get my boots and all she really did was get my **gasp** ungodly attire. On a farm you just don't wear the good stuff out of doors. I'm very proud of my new rubber boots. I was going to be different and buy colored ones, but only leopard print was in my size. It was the Lord's will, I'm sure. LOL. Chantry came over last Saturday and we groomed Rowdy-Mator some. It was so muddy and Rowdy had ROLLED in the mud. DOUBLE GROSS!!
This is my baby girl getting some dinner. LOL. Lexington Noel is my goat. She was the first baby goat born on the farm. So she is pretty special. Her sister, Precious was the breech baby. She is so sweet, loves to cuddle.
Ok, so yes, I'm "kissing" Lexi, LOL. I was making little clicking noises with my mouth and she kept nudging my lips so we got the camera and took a picture. I said she was kissing me. She loves her human Mommy!!! I guess you get kisses where you can. HAHA
LOL, Yeppers this is Rowdy-Mator and his nosy self!!! I try to take pictures of him and he always has to get his nose all up in the camera so I took a shot and it turned out pretty cute even if I do say so myself. This is my MAN!!! He is the perfect one too. Well, except he doesn't bring in any money. LOL. I spend all mine on him. LOL.
OK, Mom was trying to get my boots and all she really did was get my **gasp** ungodly attire. On a farm you just don't wear the good stuff out of doors. I'm very proud of my new rubber boots. I was going to be different and buy colored ones, but only leopard print was in my size. It was the Lord's will, I'm sure. LOL. Chantry came over last Saturday and we groomed Rowdy-Mator some. It was so muddy and Rowdy had ROLLED in the mud. DOUBLE GROSS!!
1 comment:
Love the leopard print rubber boots! Excellent investment. My boys both have a pair and I am going to have to join them soon out here.
Rowdy Mater?? Too cute. He is nosey isnt he? Love that pic.
I dont blame you for getting sugar from the kid I kinda liked precious nibbleing on my ear!!:-)
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