I was raised in a church that believed in Faith. We had faith that God could and would do anything. I remember the expectation we had waiting for the next service, we were just wandering what would happen next. Faith is like a mustard seed, it takes just a small seed of Faith to move a mountain. I was recently talking on the phone to Misty, my bestest friend who lives out of state. She was telling me how excited she was, and she couldn't wait for Sunday to get here so she could get back to church. They had 8 people in their altar seeking the Holy Ghost for a couple services so their Pastor asked them to fast and pray for those seeking. She was talking about how they were believing on Sunday those praying would receive the Holy Ghost and her excitement was so obvious.
I thought about it alot and now I pray God please give me that excitment and faith. I recall those kinds of times growing up seeing people healed and filled. I remember the excitement and expectation of what God would do in our next service. Wondering who would be there searching for God.
I know He is the God of yesterday, today and forever. What he did back then He is able to do today if we have Faith that what we can't see is possible. I pray God brings back that excitement to those of us who have lost it. I'm guilty of just really not caring. Life has a way of throwing us curve balls to drag us down and I am guilty of not getting back up. I am praying God brings back my "child-like" Faith.
Faith is the answer to all of it...isnt it? I really beleive that. Enjoyed this post. I remember too looking foward to church with *expectancy*~ Starting to feel that way again.:-)
Sunday school ideas sound perfect! Sorry I havent emailed you sooner!
Yes, I am also.
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