Sunday, March 22, 2009

RIP Blondie

Well the last couple of days Blondie has been doing really bad. She was getting worse and was getting weak again, there were no bugs so I couldn't figure out what was wrong, she was drinking water well but she wasn't eating well. Plus, she started "clicking" her beak. The vet said that I was probably right and she was beginning to experience pain. She wasn't wanting to stand anymore and it's been 2 weeks of this. Everything I did I had to run by the house first to take care of Blondie. So yesterday Mom took her to the vet and had her put down. I found that I had gained a bond with a sick chicken, lord knows there wasn't one before. I really felt the loss and failure of Blondie not making it. I was very sad but even more than that I was angry. At myself for not being able to take her back to full health. It was fine until she began to have pain and then it wasn't worth her having to live like that for me to prove I could pull her through. A 50 cent chicken and I've spent over $50 trying to save her, there comes a point where enough is enough. However, I did learn so much about chickens that I didn't know.

See, I love my animals, alot!!! My animals are my life actually. How sad is that? I have very few friends but I have tons of animals. I know I'm such a "reject", LOL.

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