Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Goodbye Phantom "Hillbilly"

**sniff, sniff** I miss Mr. Hillbilly already!!! He wasn't a bad boy he was just protecting his girls. I feel bad that Rowdy is here and Billy had to go. But even more than their fighting, Oreo can't have more babies, she has had bad problems both times. But he was so handsome and loved all his babies, he was a proud Papa and got to keep that title here for a week and a half. We miss you!!!

Well, I'm a weird animal fanatic, so go ahead and laugh at me I can take it.

We got rid of Billy, he was fighting the horse and my Mom is having nervous issues so something had to give and he was the first step. So a guy that raises and breeds goats took him. I'm so sad about it. For real, I went out tonight to feed everyone and I picked up the buckets and put feed in them like I always do and my Mom came out to hold the flashlight and said "we only need 3 goat buckets, Billy is gone". I almost started crying. See a couple weeks ago I wouldn't have cared either way but recently he had started coming around and being more friendly. He would stop and let me pet him, but he was already harrassing the girls and Rowdy-Mator doesn't share his food so Billy got picked up by his back and thrown. His constant aggravating Rowdy was making Rowdy become more aggresive and Mom even more scared. So Billy went on Freecycle and he is already gone. He had some beautiful babies, well, his girls did. So he will do well where ever he is living now, it's just sad still. At least we will have 2 of his babies and Brenda is going to keep the little boy with the white eyes.

But we already miss him. Knowing we had to do this doesn't mean it was an easy decision. I just want to cry. It was best for my Mom though, I just hope I can keep my girls and Rowdy.

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