Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Hate Getting Bad News!!!

OK, so it's laugh or cry and we are trying to laugh!!

Today after over a week of trying to fight off a "cold or something" Dad went to the doctor because he is running a very high temp. Seems that a bug probably bit him on his face, not a big deal right??? Wrong, because of his diabetes and low immune system the bit settled into his face and sinuses and have caused a HUGE, basically, infection. Sigh, what next??? He is on bed rest with doctors orders to do NOTHING until Monday when his doctor has given him a release to go back to work. He said if his fever doesn't stay down he has to go to the hospital immediately, this is serious because of his other health issues.

Then today he got a call while he was out from his kidney doctor to call her asap tomorrow, they need to go over his lab results. She is setting him up to start dialysis pretty soon. At that time he will officially become disabled. He will be taking dialysis 3x a week. Our lives will change I'm sure. If he could lose weight and lose a lot of weight he could be a candidate for a kidney transplant.

Life has so many twists and turns. This is a serious thing for us but we also know in my lifetime Dad has faced alot of serious and some life threatening things and God has come through every time so I have to put my faith in Him that He knows what He is doing and we will be okey.

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