I’m not a wise spiritual person that just has all the answers and words to encourage others. A friend I write just breaks my heart, asking for answers. They are going through a process and I wish it was easier or that I had answers but I don’t. They recently asked me to be real and they gave examples of things that have recently upset them. They have NO control over any of it but the bitterness and anger that spilled out of that letter made me sad. This person was a mentor of sorts to me for many years growing up and today the tables have turned and I’m trying to life their spirits and encourage them while they walk through the darkest trial of their life. I don’t understand it all because I wasn’t there and I try to be funny and make them smile for just a minute but it’s hard.
So this letter I was “real” as they asked. I talked about getting over bitterness and forgiveness for even those that did you wrong and family hurts, etc. I just wrote and then before I rethought it I mailed it then I told my Mom and she disagreed with my words and having mailed the letter but I did it from the heart. I was open and honest with my own life experiences and told stories of things that have happened to me. Yes, a much smaller scale than what this person has experienced but they were my dark days and the pain was intense at that time. I’ve not heard back and I’ve sent another letter I just hope I didn’t offend them to much, they asked me to be honest and I was. I had prayed about it so I can only believe that God was there.
Life is so strange with it’s twists and turns. As people we let the hurt that others throw our way shape us and influence us. We have to learn to accept it, and continue to love them through it all. One of the most important things I’ve learned in my 32 years is that my life is happier and healthier when I let it all go. I let the hurt and anger and bitterness go. I have to let it roll off like water on a ducks back. It’s not easy and sometimes I would LOVE to hold on to it and just have a BIG pity party and invite my friends, but all that does is hurt me. So I’ve learned you have to stand tall and strong even when you are attacked and you are innocent, stand tall and hold my head high and let God fight. It’s amazing how when you just move forward and let it all go, instead of you getting drug down those that are trying to drag you down end up on the down side because your life and example convict their spirits.
So life will roll on and we will continue to learn, love and live.